12:05 PM

Genesis Part 2: Rhythm Id Kuantan

When I did my first workshop in Kuantan, I met this lady named Joyce. Back then, I didn’t expect her to be who she is today in the Rhythm Identity family. It was a small workshop to introduce salsa, bachata and merengue to Kuantan.

Joyce started to come to down to KL with another of the workshop participant, Olivia for weekend salsa. And they came quite often. They were so hooked onto salsa. Imagine travelling more than 200km just to salsa for the weekend!

I cannot remember exactly how it happened but Joyce called me one day and expressed an interest to bring salsa to Kuantan on a permanent basis. We talked and I told her to come down and learn more about salsa and what is required to teach. She came and her lessons started. From there, she slowly started salsa in Kuantan and until today, she is still running her weekly classes. It has now branched off to Kemaman!

Who’d ever imagine an east coast state having salsa there?

Joyce’s passion for salsa even brought her to Australia; to the land that influenced Rhythm Identity’s growth and direction, where she learned from the best Australia had to offer. Her background in Latin and Belly Dancing had helped her salsa growth and she soon found herself performing on international stages.

The students from Kuantan, though small in number, possess a form of passion and dedication to salsa which I find many city people lack. They may not be as gung ho as the city people but their dedication to the dance form known as salsa is just as strong as anyone else.

The east coast region of Malaysia is a tough place to start salsa; mainly due to the conservatism and some say the lack of young blood there. Despite these issues, the Kuantan salseros has certainly proven that salsa can thrive in any place and with anyone. And now with Kemaman to add to the list, certainly it has proven that salsa has an appeal wider than anyone ever expected.

Care to salsa?

“Salsa Daddy”