12:50 PM

Bali Salsa - Part 1

Now, Bali... where to start blogging about it?

Well, in no chronological order or any order of importance, here's a glimpse of Rhythm Identity's trip to Salsa Fiesta de Indonesia - Bali 2009.

Cecilia, James and me (Jaxen, of coz) went for this holiday salsa event. Adele came about a day or two later but she was there as a ground crew. Shankar also came and he was the head ground crew there. I guess these were the only RI people around. The rest were friends we made when we where there, friends we met from before and friends from around the world.

I don't blog well so this blog might look messy...

Here we have Cecilia and Ani next to a fertility statue in Bali... can see that they are very exited at it.

There's a photo of me and James next to it but being guys, I'll just skip that photo and move onto something else more interesting. What's so nice about guys being next to a giant p***s?

There's so many more things nice about Bali and the Salsa Fiesta here. And a lot of photos of the time we spent here! This photo is Day 1, btw. Well, Day 2 actually... we arrived Night 1 and the rain was so bad the flood was knee high. Funny thing is the flood subsided as fast as it came. And I still don't know how the cars drive around in such flood!

We stayed at Harris in Kuta, a nice hotel with modern architecture and a cozy feel to it. What I liked about this hotel is that they serve gula melaka as brown sugar for your coffee!! Wow! Being coffee lover, this was fantastic!

Now, what would be Bali without a Balinese massage?

Imagine a 1 hour full body massage (with no hanky panky) for below RM15! And the massuers remember you by name!

And one of us in the photo has got an admirer amongst the group of massuers! I wonder if any hanky panky happened behind the closed curtains? Hmm...

Oh... and temporary henna tatoo! We we swarmed by tattooist at the beach. It was near sunset and all of them came up to us offering tattoo service. You really need to bargain for a good price.

James went and got 2 tatoo. I actually wanted only 1 but then I followed suit and got 2 myself! It was just supposed to be 1 but... why not 2? Its Bali anyway... you can walk around with a tatoo and its ok. Try that in Malaysia and the police would very likely stop you and ask for your identification.

Even the girls got a tatoo!

And look at the guy's tatoo!

And some salsa dancing at Bahiana in Seminyak. Boy, the Indonesian salseros are good. Most of them seem to be in their intermediate level... and I mean high intermediate level and all the girls can do their ladies styling with ease. Bahiana has a very nice wooden floor... only problem was that the bar was located in the middle of the club. If it was at the side, then the dance floor would've been huge!

Salsa the next night at Obsession... not the bachata by Aventura but the club Obsession World Music. They have a live band... quite a good salsa band. Floor not as nice as Bahiana but was ok to dance on. I hardly danced that night... too crowded. Imagine the crowd you have in Bali... just one small island and there are around 4 salsa clubs! Obsession is just down the road from Bahiana. A 5 min walk maybe?

Was nice to salsa there, a breath of fresh air from the usual Salsa Havana, Aaliyah, etc.

Stay tuned for the next part...