11:14 AM

My Passion (Part II)

I gotta admit.. I CAN DANCE... hahaha.. :P Right, SIFU???!!

I was learning to dance all over again. Thanks to my Ballroom Latin background, I was able to pick up very fast. Salsa is very different from ballroom, as it doesn't require so much of 'disciplined action' (stiff body frame). Most importantly, you don't need a fixed/permanent partner to dance with, unless you are going for competition or doing performance. Social dancing la babe...

In Salsa, you will learn the basics. You need to master it well, because all the different moves and steps are branched out from it. Different styles and combinations. Its a free flow of movement and leading. And then, comes the 'stunts'. If you look at some of my pictures.. you can actually see my bruises.. Dance with more different partner because it really helps you to be more flexible and you can find your own style.

After few months since I started Salsa, I went for first Salsa-big-thing. The Malaysian Salsa Festival 2007. I was still very much a beginner but Sifu says, "Its time to go".. And he was right. It was the exposure and the experience that you need. It opens your eyes to "Salsa Around The World". Workshops were conducted by the best instructors from all over. So many things to learn in so little time. But it was worth it. Performance = AWESOME! and Sifu became Susanna Montero's promoter since then...


Rhythm Id said...

i was suzana montero's promoter since msf 2006! if not for her, i wouldn't have been able to do a body roll! she was the one that taught and inspired me to do body rolls and all those body movement!